Welcome !
I love to create magnificent, scalable, and creative solutions to any real / virtual problem with technology
Email: Hadryyassine@gmail.com
Internship programme run by some of the world's leading employers as part of Bright Network's Technology Internship Experience UK
I have worked on the facial recognition system production plan for a mobile banking app :
Funtawn is a start-up founded by young students when we were 15 years old, it produces "Ami Rahal" comics, these comics explain the classic lessons in a fun way using the method of storytelling, caricatures, and mind mapping to facilitate comprehension for the students.
I discovered the world of business in an early age through this high school internship . I've learned how to coordinate with my team . We organized three educational events for childern . Also , I've set and executed a communication plan for july month.
I went to ENSIAS, the top engineering school for Computer Science in Morocco.
Related courses :
Intensive preparatory courses with the main goal to attend one of the prestigious engineering schools « grandes écoles ».
Main courses:
Extracurricular activities :
IEEE is the largest professional and technological association globally.
IEEE Ensias Student Branch aims, like the rest of its inter- national peers, to promote scientific knowledge in the field of engineering
Through its workshops, meetings and conferences organized during each school year .
#BuildYourFirstAppFromScratch Event : It’s a series of talks that covered every aspect of making an application/software. As a part of the orgniziation comitee , i have successfully contacted many high enginnering profiles and invited them to our event . Also , I had the pleasure of moderating a fabulous talk by Mr. Mehdi Cheracher, a software engineer at Google. This talk covered #Distributed_systems topic.
ANOUAL Association focuses on creating innovative and impactful projects to support Moroccan youth. its main focus is empowering young leaders by the power of social innovation and entrepreneurship to bring innovative solutions to the challenge our society faces.
Digigirlz Mentorship Program 2019-2021 : The biggest movement of girls in STEM , seeks to promote technological knowledge and encourage young girls to get involved and innovate by developing their startup ideas in STEM field .
Ensias became the first Moroccan school to rely on state-of-the-art digital marketing strategies through Ensias TV, led by highly-motivated and passionate students, where they display their creativity and marketing skills to promote ENSIAS on social media.
" Le Forum GENI ENTREPRISES " is a big event organized by 4 prestigious schools of Rabat, namely ENSIAS, INPT, INSEA and ESI that aims to connect ambitious students looking for internships and job offers with professionals and organizations looking for distinguished profiles.
I have been invited to be a speaker at many events, to share my entrepreneurship experience at early age, and to tell everyone, it's possible to start your own business at the age of 15 years old and achieve magnificent results. I've been an inspirational speaker at :
I have been attending events at an early age. It's a fabulous opportunity to connect with people from different domains and backgrounds, to learn, share, and network. Here is some great Events I have attended :